Why Do Some Pans Have Ridges?

By | February 12, 2024

Replicating the Outdoor Grilling.

The inclusion of ridges on pans is to replicate the experience of outdoor grilling. The ridges create distinct grill marks on food, enhancing its visual appeal and imparting a grilled flavor. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who lack access to outdoor grills or prefer the convenience of indoor cooking.

Improved Fat Drainage and Healthier Cooking

Ridges on pans elevate the food slightly above the cooking surface, allowing excess fat to drain away during the cooking process. This results in healthier dishes as the fat drips down into the grooves instead of being absorbed by the food. Additionally, reduced grease prevents the food from becoming soggy, resulting in crispier and more flavorful outcomes.

Enhanced Flavor and Texture

Cooking on ridged pans imparts a unique flavor and texture to food, because of the searing action of the ridges that induces caramelization and Maillard reactions on the surface. This process not only enhances flavor but also creates a well pleasing crunch. The ridges act as heat concentrators, intensifying heat at the points of contact with food, potentially reaching higher temperatures than in a flat pan. This concentration results in more extensive browning and stronger Maillard flavors compared to cooking on a flat pan. Moreover, the high heat generated on the ridges effectively sears the food, locking in juices and forming a desirable crust that adds another layer of delicious savory.

Why do some pans have ridges-Ridged pan working principle

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