Can you use any torch for cooking food?

By | September 29, 2023

Are you curious about the possibility of using any torch for cooking food? While torches are commonly used for tasks like soldering or lighting, they have found a unique place in the world of cooking. In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of culinary torches and explore whether any torch can be employed for culinary creations. Whether you’re an aspiring chef or a home cook eager to try something new, we’ll guide you through the nuances of torches in the kitchen and help you make an informed choice for your culinary endeavors.


The Role of a Cooking Torch

blow torch for cooking

A culinary torch, also known as a kitchen torch, is a versatile handheld device designed to produce an intense, controlled flame. Its primary purpose is to apply direct high heat to various culinary tasks, ranging from caramelizing sugar to searing meats. The distinctive advantage of using a cooking torch is its precision, enabling delicate finishing touches that would be challenging with traditional kitchen appliances.

Common Uses for Cooking Torches:

a) Caramelizing Sugar: Achieve the perfect caramelized sugar topping on desserts like crème brûlée, flan, and crème caramel.

b) Steakhouse Sear: Create a restaurant-quality sear on steaks and other meats to achieve a delectable crispy crust.

c) Melting Cheese: Melt cheese evenly on dishes such as nachos, grilled cheese sandwiches, and quesadillas for that irresistible gooey goodness.

d) Roasting Vegetables: Quickly and evenly roast vegetables to enhance their flavor and texture.

e) Cocktail Artistry: Impress your guests by flaming cocktails like the classic Brandy Alexander.

f) Defrosting Food Quickly: Expedite the thawing process for frozen foods.


Can you use any torch for cooking food?

The choice of torch for cooking is not limited to specialized culinary equipment. In fact, you can use torches commonly found in hardware shops, as long as they are fueled by butane or propane. While MAPP-fueled torches have certain culinary applications, they are less commonly used in kitchens, mainly serving industrial and plumbing purposes. The primary distinction between a culinary torch and a hardware shop torch lies in their design, not the fuel they use. Below I will explain the criteria for choosing a torch for cooking.


The torch fuels

Propane vs Butane

The choice of fuel is a crucial consideration. Various fuels are available for these versatile tools, including butane, propane, MAPP, oxyacetylene, and more. However, it’s important to note that not all of these fuels are suitable for culinary applications. We will explore the characteristics of three specific fuels – butane, propane, and MAPP gas – that are well-suited for cooking tasks.

Butane: The All-Purpose Pick

Butane is a great all-around choice for cooking torches. It’s safe, easy to control, and produces a clean flame. However, its flame isn’t as hot (1,527°C) as propane or MAPP gas, which may limit its use for some tasks. The best part? It’s budget-friendly. Butane is perfect for everyday cooking tasks like searing meat, caramelizing sugar, and browning veggies.

Propane: Heat It Up

Propane brings the heat with a higher flame temperature (1,982°C). It’s perfect for tasks like searing meat or melting cheese. However, it can be a bit trickier to control compared to butane. Propane falls between butane and MAPP gas in terms of cost. It’s a solid choice when you need more flame power for cooking.

MAPP Gas: The High-Intensity Option

MAPP gas packs a punch with a scorching-hot flame at 2,054°C. It’s ideal for tasks that need extreme heat, like rapid meat searing or instant cheese melting. But here’s the catch: MAPP gas torches are riskier to use and require more skill. They are also the most expensive option. Reserve MAPP gas for tasks that demand the highest flame temperature, like quickly browning meats and veggies.

In a nutshell, butane is the safest and most budget-friendly fuel for cooking torches. It’s great for everyday cooking. If you’re new to torches, start with butane for safety. As you gain experience and tackle high-heat cooking, consider propane or MAPP gas. Your choice should match your cooking needs and your level of torch-handling skill.

Butane vs Propane fuels for blow torch


Picking the Right Torch for different Cooking tasks or needs.

Picking the Right Torch for different Cooking tasks or needs.

When it comes to cooking, having the right tool can make a big difference, not all torches are the same, and the one you choose depends on what you’re planning to cook. Let’s explore two common types: butane and propane torches.

Butane Torches:

Butane torches are like the friendly helpers in the kitchen. They’re easy to handle, not too heavy, and they produce a gentle flame. People usually use them for:

  • Making Desserts Shine: Ever had crème brûlée with that perfect crispy sugar on top? Butane torches are your secret weapon.
  • Searing Magic: When you want to give meats and seafood that nice seared look, these torches are up to the task.
  • Cheese Love: Melting cheese on your favorite dishes, like macaroni and cheese, is a breeze with a butane torch.
  • Veggie Charms: Want to add a smoky touch to veggies like peppers? These torches can do it.
  • Campfire Vibes: And yes, you can even use them for toasting marshmallows while camping.

Propane Torches:

Propane torches are like the powerhouses of the cooking world. They give off a much hotter flame, perfect for:

  • Super Searing: Steaks and thick meats get that restaurant-quality sear with a propane torch.
  • Golden Tops: Casseroles and lasagnas look even more delicious with a golden-brown finish.
  • Quick Defrost: Need to thaw frozen meat or seafood in a hurry? A propane torch is your kitchen superhero.
  • Charred Goodness: Veggies like corn or eggplant get a fantastic charred flavor.
  • Flavor Boost: Caramelizing onions or garlic for that extra flavor punch.

So, when it’s time to choose your torch, think about what you’ll be cooking. If it’s mostly sweet treats or gentle searing, go for butane. But if you’re planning to tackle big tasks like searing thick steaks or charring veggies, propane is your go-to buddy.


Ensuring Torch Safety

Ensuring torch safety

When it comes to using kitchen torches, safety should be your top priority. You want a torch that not only works well but also keeps you safe while you’re cooking up a storm. So, how can you make sure a cooking torch is safe for your kitchen adventures? Let’s break it down into simple steps.

Step 1: Look for Certification

Start by verifying whether the torch bears a distinctive safety certification mark. This emblem serves as a tangible assurance that the torch adheres to vital safety regulations. For instance, the “CE” mark signifies compliance with safety, health, and environmental protection standards within the European Union. In Canada, marks from ULc (Underwriters Laboratories Canada) and CSA (Canadian Standards Association) are respected indicators of safety and quality. Meanwhile, in the United States, the “UL” mark from Underwriters Laboratories holds the utmost prominence as a globally acknowledged safety certification. In Malaysia, the “SIRIM QAS” mark, representing the Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia Quality Assurance Services, carries similar significance.Consider these marks akin to seals of approval, confirming that the torch has undergone rigorous testing to ensure its safety and suitability for use.

Step 2: Check for Safety Features

Safety features are like little helpers that keep you out of trouble. Here’s what to look for:

  • Trigger Ignition: This is like a button that makes the torch light up only when you want it to. It stops the torch from starting accidentally.
  • Safety Lock: Think of it like a lock on your torch. It stops the torch from turning on by mistake when you’re not using it.
  • Flame Guard: Picture a shield around the flame. It stops the flame from going wild and keeps it in check.
  • Adjustable Flame: This feature lets you control how big or small the flame is, so you’re always in charge.

Step 3: Check the Build Quality

You want a torch that’s strong and well-made. Look for torches that feel sturdy and don’t seem like they’ll break easily. Good-quality torches use tough materials that can handle the heat. Be careful with torches that seem cheap or have bits that don’t fit right – they might not be safe.

Step 4: Trust the Reviews

Other people can be a big help in deciding if a torch is safe. Read what other folks say in their reviews. If lots of people say a torch is safe and works well, that’s a good sign. Here is a suggestion, you may go to the ecommerce website like Amazon, go to the review section, read those users’ comments, you may get some relevant info regarding the product.

Step 5: Think About the Fuel

Consider what kind of fuel the torch uses. Butane torches are a good pick for most kitchen jobs and are generally safe when you use them correctly. They’re easy to handle. Propane torches, while also safe, can have bigger flames and need a bit more care because they get hotter.


Adjustable torch flame.

adjustable torch flame

When picking out a kitchen torch for your cooking adventures, it’s essential to think about one feature: adjustable flames. Adjustable flames allow you to control how strong the torch’s heat is, which can make a big difference in your cooking.

Why Adjustable Flames Are Important:

a) Precision: Different recipes and cooking methods need different levels of heat. Adjustable flames let you control the torch’s strength, so you can brown, sear, or caramelize your food just right without burning it.

b) Versatility: A torch with adjustable flames can handle many cooking jobs. You can turn down the flame for gentle tasks like toasting meringue or melting cheese, or turn it up for quickly searing meat or veggies.

c) Safety: Being able to lower the flame when needed helps prevent accidents and burns. You’ll have more control over how you cook, reducing the chances of things going wrong.

d) Consistency: Torches with adjustable flames give you steady, even heat. This is important for getting consistent results when you’re cooking, so your food turns out just the way you want it every time.

e) Different Ingredients: Some ingredients need a gentle touch, while others can take more heat. Adjustable flames let you work with all kinds of ingredients, making your cooking adventures more versatile.

How to Use Adjustable Flame Torches:

Here are some examples of how you can use a torch with adjustable flames in your cooking:

a) Making Creme Brulee: To create that perfect caramelized sugar on top, start with a low flame to gently melt the sugar, then turn it up to quickly brown and caramelize it evenly.

b) Finishing Sous Vide Cooking: When you’re finishing off sous vide-cooked meats or veggies, use a torch to sear the outside. Lower the flame to get a nice sear without overcooking the inside.

c) Browning Meringue: Making desserts like lemon meringue pie? Use the torch with a low flame to delicately brown the meringue topping without making it go flat.

d) Roasting Peppers: Need to remove the skin from roasted peppers? Use the torch with a medium flame to char the skin, then increase it slightly to help peel off the skin without overcooking the pepper.

e) Melting Cheese: For quickly melting cheese on dishes like French onion soup, adjust the flame to a low-medium setting. This way, you can melt the cheese evenly without burning it.

f) Searing Meat: When you want to add extra flavor to your steak or other meats, use the torch to get a great sear. Start with a high flame for a quick sear, then lower it to finish cooking to your liking.

g) Toasting Marshmallows: Making s’mores or marshmallow treats? Use a torch with a low flame setting to get the marshmallows perfectly browned and toasted.

h) Crème Brûlée French Toast: For making Crème Brûlée French Toast, adjust the flame to caramelize the sugar on top without scorching the bread underneath.

All in all, having a torch with adjustable flames is a valuable tool in the kitchen. It gives you more control and makes your torch more versatile. When you’re shopping for a torch, look for one with easy-to-use flame adjustment, so you can have more fun in the kitchen.

And if you plan to use the torch for an extended period, consider getting one with a continuous flame feature that lets you keep the flame on without holding down a trigger. This can be handy for longer cooking sessions.


Refillable Canisters vs. Torch Heads: Which One to Pick?

Refillable Canisters vs. Torch Heads: Which One to Pick?

When it comes to choosing a kitchen torch, you’ve got two main choices: refillable canisters and torch heads that connect to separate fuel sources, typically butane canisters or propane tanks. Each has its perks and quirks, so your decision depends on what you’re after. Here’s a breakdown to help you make the right call:

Refillable Canisters:

Handy and Portable: These torches are like all-in-one packages. They’ve got their own fuel tanks built in, so they’re easy to store and you don’t need extra stuff.

Take Them Anywhere: They’re small and light, so you can use them indoors or outdoors. Perfect for finishing off sous vide dishes or giving your desserts that crispy caramel right at the table.

Easy-Peasy: Using them is a breeze. Just fill up the canister with butane or your chosen fuel, light it up, and adjust the flame. But if you use it a lot, you’ll find yourself refilling it often, which can be a bit of a pain. For occasional use, they’re a solid choice.

Cost-Friendly: While they might cost a bit more upfront, you’ll save cash in the long run because you won’t need to buy separate fuel canisters.


Torch Heads (Attachable to Separate Fuel Sources):

Versatility: Torch heads are like the chameleons of the torch world. You can hook them up to different fuel sources, like small butane canisters, big propane tanks, or even natural gas lines if you’ve got the right bits and bobs (but double-check the manual for the fuel types). Some torch heads are picky and only like butane, so be sure to read the fine print. This versatility is super handy if you’re a regular torch user and want the cheapest fuel.

Keep the Flame Going: Torch heads are the marathon runners of the torch game. They’re great for long cooking sessions because they can handle big fuel sources, so you won’t need to refill them all the time.

Fine-Tune the Fire: Some torch heads let you control the flame really precisely, so you can get it just right.

Not for Newbies: They can be a bit chunky and tricky to use, especially if you’re new to torches. Pros usually prefer them because they’re more powerful and get the job done faster.

Maintenance Time: Torch heads have more bits and pieces to look after. You’ve got to make sure everything’s connected snugly, and you might have to switch out fuel canisters or propane tanks from time to time.

In a nutshell, your choice boils down to what you’re looking for. If you’re all about ease and portability, go for a refillable canister torch. But if you want flexibility and plan to torch it up a lot, a torch head that plays nice with different fuels might be your go-to. Just remember, the right pick depends on your cooking style and what you like best.

Refillable Canisters vs. Torch Heads blow torch comparison table


Price of a blow torch matters.

price to pay

Price is a key factor when choosing a kitchen torch, and it’s essential to find one that fits your budget. Torches come in various price ranges, from affordable to more expensive options. If you’re mindful of your spending, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you select a torch that matches your budget while meeting your cooking needs.

Step 1: Set Your Budget

Begin by deciding how much you’re willing to spend on a kitchen torch. This amount will act as your spending limit. It’s crucial not to overspend on a “luxury” torch with features you may not really need.

Step 2: Identify Your Needs

Consider the main purpose of your torch. Are you planning to use it for basic tasks like caramelizing sugar, or do you have more advanced cooking techniques in mind? Also, think about how often you’ll use it. If it’s a frequent kitchen companion, investing in a higher-quality torch may be justifiable.

Step 3: Compare Price Ranges

Kitchen torches are available at different price points, including budget-friendly, mid-range, and premium options. Research and compare torches within your budget range to find the best fit.

Step 4: Read Reviews

Look for product reviews from reliable sources and check customer reviews on e-commerce websites. These reviews provide valuable insights into a torch’s performance, durability, and safety. Real user comments on websites like Amazon can also help you make an informed decision.

Step 5: Consider Features

Evaluate the features offered by different torches within your budget. Common features include adjustable flame intensity, ignition methods, and safety locks. Decide which features are essential for your cooking needs.

Step 6: Check Fuel Types

Kitchen torches can be powered by butane or propane. Butane torches are more common for culinary use, but propane torches may offer more power. Compare the cost of fuel canisters for your chosen torch type.

Step 7: Warranty and Brand Reputation

Some torches come with warranties, which can indicate their durability. Consider torches from reputable brands known for producing reliable kitchen equipment.

Step 8: Think About Long-Term Costs

While a torch may have a higher initial cost, it might save you money in the long run if it’s durable and requires fewer replacements or repairs.

Step 9: Check for Safety Features

Ensure the torch you choose has safety features like child-resistant locks and a stable base to prevent accidents.

Step 10: Consider Accessories

Some torches come with additional accessories like stands or refillable fuel tanks, adding extra value to your purchase.

Remember, while price is important, it should align with your specific cooking needs and the torch’s features, quality, and safety. By following these steps and doing thorough research, you can find a kitchen torch that suits your budget and fulfills your expectations in the kitchen.


Versatility by torch attachments.



Having a torch with interchangeable tips or attachments can be a real game-changer, offering flexibility to meet your various culinary needs. Let’s explore how these attachments can make your torch more versatile, making it an essential tool in your kitchen.

Wider Flame for Roasting Peppers:

Some kitchen torches come with special attachments that can widen the flame. This feature is super handy when you’re looking to roast or char larger veggies like peppers, tomatoes, or eggplants. The broader flame covers more surface area, ensuring even cooking and giving your dishes that delicious smoky flavor. With this attachment, you can even replace your grill or broiler for certain tasks, making your torch a versatile tool for both indoor and outdoor cooking adventures.

Precision Tip for Delicate Work:

On the flip side, some torches offer precision tips or attachments. These give you a focused and pinpoint flame, perfect for delicate and intricate tasks. Imagine you’re working on a dessert that needs precise caramelization, like a fancy tarte Tatin or an artistic sugar garnish. A torch with a precision tip gives you the control to achieve flawless results.

Searing and Browning:

Interchangeable tips also come in handy when it’s time to sear or brown your food. For instance, when you’re searing steaks or big cuts of meat, a wider flame attachment helps cover more surface area quickly, creating that delightful crust while keeping the inside juicy. On the other hand, if you’re working with smaller items like scallops or crème brûlée, the precision tip lets you apply heat exactly where you want it.

In a nutshell, torch attachments provide you with adaptability in the kitchen, whether you’re roasting peppers, delicately caramelizing a dessert, or perfecting your searing technique. They make your torch a versatile tool, ready to tackle any culinary challenge you throw its way.


Piezo Ignition

Piezo Ignition Torch

A reliable piezo ignition system makes it easy to start the torch without the need for additional tools like lighters or matches.


Comfort and convenience when using blow torch

Comfort and convenience when using blow torch

When searching for a torch, pay special attention to its ergonomic design and comfortable grip. This becomes crucial, especially when you anticipate using it for extended periods while cooking. It’s worth noting that some torches come with large canister tanks attached to the head, which might pose a challenge for beginners.

If you’re new to torch handling or simply prefer a more manageable option, consider a torch equipped with a refillable canister. These torches are compact, easy to grip, and offer a user-friendly experience during your culinary adventures.


Robust construction, the foundation of a reliable torch.

A good culinary torch should be tough and able to handle the challenges of the kitchen. It’s important to look for one made from strong materials.

Quality Materials:

Sturdy kitchen torches are often made from robust materials like stainless steel, aluminum, or other metals that can handle high temperatures without getting damaged.

Metal Parts:

The important parts of the torch, like the nozzle, valve, and fuel tank, are usually made from tough metals like brass. These metal parts don’t wear out easily and are less likely to rust, ensuring the torch lasts a long time.

Solid Design:

A strong torch has a well-built structure with very few loose or wobbly parts. When you hold it, it should feel solid and well-balanced, which shows that it was made carefully.

Secure Fuel Tank:

The fuel tank of the torch should be firmly attached to the torch’s body and not move around or fall off easily. Some torches even have clear windows so you can see how much fuel is left, which is handy.


Safety Stand

Blow torch with safety stand

Many torches come with a detachable stand or base that adds an extra layer of convenience. This stand makes it easier to place the torch safely when you’re not using it. Choosing a torch with this feature can make your cooking experience safer and more hassle-free.

All About Stability:

The main job of a torch’s stand is to keep it steady and prevent it from tipping over while you’re using it. These stands are designed to ensure that the torch stays firmly in place, especially when you need to go hands-free during cooking.

Hands-Free Help:

These stands really come in handy when you need to use the torch without holding it all the time. You can set it down securely and focus on your cooking task without worrying about it falling over.



In summary, the cooking torch is far more than just a kitchen gadget – it’s a culinary ally that empowers you to venture into uncharted territories of flavor, texture, and presentation within your dishes. Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned chef or an eager home cook, the right torch can serve as your hidden ace in the kitchen, opening up a world of culinary possibilities and elevating your cooking endeavors to unprecedented heights.

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